Wednesday, February 26, 2014

ZST is 67% faster.

For those of you who don't know, the ZST (Zymergi SQL Tool) is a Windows-app that gets your database information and puts it in any format you want.  Typically, customers want to convert their relational data to HTML5 so that they can view (and act on ) it with a desktop or mobile-device browser.

Zymergi SQL Tool

Well, there's good news.  ZST is now 67% faster.  Now, this increased speed may not matter in an enterprise environment where apps are feature-rich, but slow.  But for our customers with external-facing websites, more speed = more revenue.

So why would the enterprise customer want ZST?

Well, the first thing is that this is commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) software.  Secondly, you're essentially adding search and browsing capabilities to your existing relational data.  And ultimately, you're looking to institutionalize tribal knowledge.

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