Friday, June 20, 2014

How to Scale X-Axis for ZOOMS Trends

In the last post, we talked about scaling the Y-Axis of ZOOMS trends.  What about the X-Axis?

Well, the X-axis (or as pedantic mathematicians would call it, "abscissa") for ZOOMS is always the time-axis.  As with any chart, there is an "x-min" for the minimum value of x as well as an "x-max."

In the world of time-series data, there are more colloquial names:
  • x-min is starttime
  • x-max is endtime
Unfortunately, there are also hundreds of ways of representing time:
  • 04-Jul-1776
  • 12/8/1941
  • back to the future time

Type Time Range into Search Box

And typing in the starttime and endtime is one way to set the time range:

ZOOMS is able to interpret a lot of date inputs, but not all of them.

Use the Trend Buttons

What happens when you've got a trend and you want to go from there?
There are 3 buttons at the bottom of each trend.
  1. Back Arrow is an arrow pointing to the left that will take the trend one time-range into the past.
  2. Forward Arrow is an arrow pointing to the right that will take the trend one time-range into the future.
  3. Refresh/Revert will restore the time-range to the original as-loaded trend.

Highlight Area On Trend

You can magnify a time range by highlighting it with the mouse: clicking and holding down the mouse button at one edge of the time range and dragging the mouse to the other edge of the time range:
When you release the mouse button, the trend will zoom to the selected time range.


In summary, there are at least 3 ways to scale the X-Axis of a ZOOMS trend:

  1. Type in the time range in the search box.
  2. Use the "back" and "forward" buttons
  3. Highlight an area on a trend
See Also:

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